You deserve all the love

The last couple of months, I have had one of the most challenging periods because i was not doing the regular things that I use to. It was a punishing anxiety driven scheduled which had all my online personal content updated regularly.
A thing call ‘love’ had come into my life and with love, came desires or needs.
Most spiritual books, greatest philosophers and masters write about controlling one’s desires and did not understand this part, till experiencing it.
Desires not controlled can cause us to be lost in this beautiful thing called love. Because love is infinity, and we will never have enough of it. Remember the time when you lost love in the form of a breakup or a person, how terrible one feels.
This is where I came into conflict with myself. Attachment and detachment is something we learn in vedic scriptures and it's so beautifully scripted.
In one end, I wanted to continue all my spiritual practices and at the other end, when I found the thing that I was always looking for all my life, I was taken aback.
Now my guru did say “Love is simply an expression”. Love towards your pets, love towards your parents, love towards your siblings, love towards nature, love towards your spouse.
Society encourages us to see love as simply as a transaction. I did previously see love has simply to give or take from someone else. We need to simply realize that love is of abundance supply, and there is no absolutely no scarcity of it.
Being enamored in love with someone and that love replicated back, it was difficult as I had to learn to receive it.
I now understand
“Love is not about just giving, but learning to receive it as well”
As time passed, and as I reflect now, I realized that all I had to do was to simply pause. Its then I realized that my awareness of these thoughts thanks to my meditation practices has placed me well, and did not cause any undue anxiety. If it were not for my spiritual practices (yoga, prayers, meditation, breathing, tapas, japa mala), I would not been neither here nor there, and thus causing that constant internal dialogue.
Instead, I surrendered myself to what universe offers and simply embraced being present.
To enjoy joy, we must first let go of the wants and needs. Once that is done, we will experience bliss.
Also remember, that as a human, these desires, dialogues, expectations will always be there and this is why we need spiritual practices to stay grounded.
Acknowledge, recognize and be aware of that thought.