Why hire a life coach ?

Once upon a time i thought this whole life coaching thing was a farce and look at me now, preaching what i once thought, otherwise. I am now a coach, and also have a coach of my own. And my coach, has his own.
Having a real meaningful powerful conversation with someone (out here, it is my coach) is truly empowering as it fundamentally changes your path, you never knew, existed.
That is the beauty of life, if we fail to be open and fail to explore, we will never really realize our true potential.
That is the life, that we should all envision for ourselves. We are conditioned to think that our life needs to be one of struggles.
A few years ago, I knew life had such potential, but i didn’t where or when or how to get to the next level. I was lost and wish there was someone who came forward to lend a helping hand. Today, i do so with all my friends, acquaintances. Never shy away, to lend your hand, even to simply listen to them.
To live, is to do so with passion and excitement. You deserve this, everyone deserves this.
There are life coaches who are expensive and have attained the celebrity status, but i have found that most life coaches have something similar to offer.
It is just that some are extremely busy and can jack up the prices, while there are some, who are really good, but unfortunately, bad with their marketing skills.
Usually, coaches can get too flexible for their own good and you have the right to ask for a free introduction session and what they have to offer. You have the right to ask questions to the coach to understand what they have to offer, but remember, on the other side, that person is also a human, who is here to help you.
The money you invest into a coach is priceless, the returns are seemingly life changing. Imagine, getting up tomorrow completely different than you have ever did in your life. But please do not splash your money around without looking at the below.
What to look for in a life coach?
- First, sit or connect with them online for an hour. Just simply chatting with the coach, will help you to understand how they are, without really delving in too deeply. Feel your own comfort levels.
- Second, ask them about the course structure — timelines. Sometimes, you maybe too busy to meet on weekdays, and some coaches aren’t as flexible. This may not seem as important in the beginning, but if both of you are not connecting, how can they be any change.
- Third, be willing to be open to change and constructive criticism
- Fourth, are you committed to changing some of your old habits. This is usually the hardest part. And i speak about this in my podcast on conditioning.
- Fifth, ask them to connect to testimonials of clients (not friends, i know, how do you know)
- Sixth, a life coach should have an overall perspective about life and shouldn't be stuck to one main area. See if the coach is someone who practices some of these ideals or values. Remember, the role of the coach is to get you to be better at whatever you do, not for the coach to get better.
- Seventh, a life coach themselves need to be open to criticism and most of the experienced know how to tackle this point. They know that learning is a two-way process.
The essence of life is about balance,
but more often than not,
it gets imbalanced,
we fail to wake up before it gets too late.
So why not awaken before it gets too late.
Sometimes, its just a few words that can make all the difference, for one to completely shift.
This reminds me of a quote by my spiritual guru as i imbibed my path to self-discovery.
If you haven’t been called ‘crazy’, then you haven’t lived your life enough.
Okay, so no one called me crazy, but you get the point.
(To me, crazy, is Elon Musk Bored Elon).
Crazy = to do the unthinkable in order to make a difference to a life or the world.

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