The importance of self acceptance

I had written about the importance of understanding that ‘You are enough’ , but i also realized how incomplete that article is, and just like in life, how we can be so incomplete, yet be complete in every way.
How is one able to know that they are enough, if at first, they don't understand what it means to be enough.
Being enough, is about not been enforced by others or trying to conform to societal needs, but knowing that you can still be yourself with society's totalitarianism approach.
Motivational videos speak of how we need to wake up and keep doing things (of course it is a good practise if it was a ‘mindful one’, but more often than not, it is these mindless activities, because we feel good or feel accomplished in doing them).
In yogic teachings, this referred to as Rajas (frenetic energy) and one of the three gunas (Tamas-Rajas-Sattvic) that exists, and helps to remind us that they really isn't a point doing things, when one needs to actually find the true meaning in doing. One needs to learn to honor themselves, their time in this lifetime.
Self-honor is an important but equally important, is to be open to the possibilities, not because you feel the need to be accepted, but because you have enough self-respect for yourself, that you can now accept anything that comes your way. It could be someone criticizing you, it could be someone giving you a feedback or someone complaining because you are different, and when in actual, you know the difference that you are making to this world.
In order to get to this understanding of self-respect, one needs to understand the concept of self-love. Self-love is not about finding a reason to buy things for yourself. Although there is nothing wrong with that, but i have seen clients buy their fastest and most beautiful things this material world can offer, yet, they want more and need more. This reminds me of the term logotherapy which in two words means ‘existential vacuum’ (famously termed by Victor Frankl in his book ‘ The man's search for meaning’).
How about we turn our attention inwards, instead of outwards.
In order to understand self-love, one needs to simply self-commit. There is nothing wrong with goals and habits in order for one to start, but one needs to inadvertently head towards understanding their true meaning of their practise.
Great gurus and eastern philosophy has emphasized, how our souls live for many lifetimes and possibly for millions of years, this is where the true inner wisdom originates from. No one knows the real truth, but we only know, what we have been told.
How about we commit and check it for Ourself ?
So how does one reach / find / search for this wisdom ?
Let’s us for now, keep it simple and sometimes the most difficult for many. Meditation.
Meditation, with constant practise and self-commitment needs to be done everyday and with the right teacher, for guidance, one can truly realize where this self-love comes. When one is meditating, one is actually raising not only their own consciousness (awareness), but of the universe as a whole.
It's like opening a box of treasures and once you open this box, you find a golden light, only that this light, flows like a beautiful blissful energy. This energy, which connects to the source, flows all throughout one's body.
Pulsations of our sensations, once understood, is that bliss, we have always been seeking.
In that moment or period in life, you will self- accept as the way you are, and be so grateful for not only what you already have, but for what you will always have in this lifetime.
That is when, self-respect, self-honor, self-love and self-acceptance comes in unison.
So live this life,
it’s your life.
P.S : Do clap so this work i took to write gets noticed.