“Mind, plays games with us”

Coach — Yogi — Varun


Source :https://www.tonictoronto.com/technology-and-the-brain/

A common spoken words of a motivational “guru”. It did certainly sound nice at the time, and it did help me to stop looking down, and to look UP instead.

But, as i understand more about spirituality, i don’t understand why do we have to distinguish our mind, which gives us the intellectual intelligence with our heart, which is the seat of emotional intelligence.

For example, when a teacher / mentor / guru says

“ We are, not our mind, we are not our thoughts”

This statement is fairly true with mentors who are trying to calm a person from their immediate misery/ anxiety / over-thinking. But this is not a long term solution.

Unless, we face our fears, we cannot transcend our true self, as those very same thoughts come back to haunt us time and again.

Once we decide to face them, then we become like this whale, flying free without fearing judgements, knowing very well, the person who ‘becomes’, is unique to this world.

source : https://www.buildingbeautifulsouls.com/dream-interpretation-meanings/what-do-flying-dreams-mean/

The mind is why we are able to do real time video calls if sound and light did not transfer at the speed of light (technology)


fly to any part of the world when we felt like (creation)


read-learn-speak anything we needed, anything at the time (learning)

In fact, we wouldn't be able to live twice as long if toilets were not built (innovation).

The list of things we have achieved is one of millions and without our mind or intellect, we cannot function like the way we do, right now.

The famous scottish guru Sid Banks had his own program called the 3Ps, and one of which is focusing on this aspect of mind, consciousness and thoughts. To keep it short, let's embrace the every aspect of our being and not rule anything out.

One cannot be without the other.

This reminds me of an intellectual questioning with my mentor :-

“ If you had a choice to choose between a few fruits and a supermarket trolley, which one will you choose” ?
I was miffed, not knowing what to answer and so i didnt, staring at him, without a clue.
And he said “We need strawberries, when we feel like, and we need the trolley, when we need it. Both of them, two entirely different things, but yet serve a common purpose for us as humans, and that is a need.

Life is exactly that, we need to embrace, respect and understand that everything has its way. We need to stop taking sides or trying to understand everything with life ”



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