Life is about Balance or is it really ? — Wheel of life
The essence of all human beings when they see life should be about balance. However, we don’t understand this word, balance, until and unless, we have a broader view of our life.

For example, in my life, I have always seen it as 2 main areas, work and family. That’s it, as simple as that.
But in reality, there is much more to life, and this tool is something more and more people are fortunately discovering.
A simple effective tool is called ‘wheel of life’. Simple, yet very powerful.
Imagine the wheel of life to be your favorite pizza which is divided into 8 areas of your life.
The first slice you have, you are in ecstasy,
the second and third slices, seem blissful,

and then comes the fourth slice, you are still happy,
then that the slice of pizza comes, when you have said, enough.
That is life, one needs to balance themselves and look to focus on 4–5 key areas of their life most important to them. This is where values become important for one.
To find your center and balance
Now imagine that wheel of life instead of a pizza, now as a wheel, that of your bicycle. Imagine if one spoke was unbalanced, either going to in or to out, and what happens there, is unevenness in the ride. If the imbalance is a little, the bump will be a little, but we will get there, but when the imbalance is too much, we won’t get anywhere.
That unevenness and imbalance, is what causes all sorts of issues with our life.
In yogic teachings and Vedic scriptures like the Upanishads and Sutras , it describes how we need to realize life fully and addresses it as a whole, not just in one area. Its not just in Yogic scriptures, but even in the Eastern chinese texts, it addresses this as well.
These ancient texts addresses some of the issues spiritually and philosophically. However, more often than not, we are just so busy with our lives, and this is why I have taken the time to address some of our core issues/ patterns not just spiritually, but with proven NLP (Neuro-linguistic techniques) models of excellence.
Coming back to the wheel of life, I didn’t realize how balanced my life was because I always saw my life to be a disaster in that particular period in time.
There was a major personal setback, and at the time it seemed my life turned upside down. Nothing physically changed, its just how I saw it. Perspective.
Self realization and perspective
A realization that, just because of one area of my life, has failed miserably, it doesn’t mean my life is a disaster. On the contrary, I just had to simply change my own perspective, I had 7 other areas of my life which was doing pretty well.
On that realization, everything changed. Remember, this is my own experience. Each of us have our own realizations and important to be open and honest with ourselves.
With that thought, what are you waiting for, try your wheel of life and let me know how it has turned out.
Score each area of your life from a scale of 0 to 10 and then join it to the next. (Yes, as simple as that)
The idea is to simply score on how you see your life to be right now in the different areas of your life. Remember, this is your perspective.

It’s important once again I reiterate the importance of knowing where our life is now, be open and be honest with ourselves.
I know of people who have done exceptionally well with their work, but have faltered on their health so appallingly. There are a few who have taken great strides in health and in career, but ignored their family and relationships.
Life can be a balance, at least we try to be. Put in our best effort and let the universe conspire to help you.
Here are 12 Wheel of Life Coaching Questions to Help:
1. How do you feel about your life as you look at your Wheel?
2. Are there any surprises for you?
3. How do you currently spend time in these areas?
4. How would you like to spend time in these areas?
5. What would make that a score of 10?
6. What would a score of 10 look like?
7. Which of these categories would you most like to improve?
8. How could you make space for these changes in your life?
9. What help and support might you need from others to make changes and be more satisfied with your life?
10. And what change do you want to make first?
11. What is the smallest step you could take to get started?
12. If there was one key action that would begin to bring everything into balance, what would it be?
Here is an example I picked of someone who has colored their respective

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