How about we chase for the right thing ? (Short Story)

All my life and i guess most of us chase for things, not knowing, why ?
I heard this short story, and my perspective on ‘that’, changed.
Once upon a day, there was this magnificent greyhound, only this greyhound was a talking one.
As this magnificent greyhound with its long hind legs walks on the streets of marina, it sees a shop and decides to take a break and enjoy the sights and sounds of the city life.
Greyhound asks the local shop owner and let’s call him Ravi.
Greyhound “ Can i get a cup of hot milk please”
Ravi “Sure”
While preparing the hot milk, Ravi was very curious to know what this greyhound was doing here, while just across the street, people were gambling on their favorite greyhound to win the race.
Ravi “ I remember seeing you before in one of the races. You have a very distinctive fur color for which i recognized you. How is that you are not racing today ”
Greyhound “ Not interested anymore, I have won all the trophies and one day decided against racing anymore ”
Man “So i assume you are retired now”
Greyhound ”Not really, if i did race today, i would win easily knowing the competition ”
Man “So, why are you not competing then”
Greyhound “ You see, all my life i was chasing these bunnies and so eager to catch them while racing. As and when i could to see one, i get excited and persevere with all my commitments, desires and purpose into that ONE THING.
One such day, i was able to catch it. When i smelled it and finally tasted it, it didn't seem or tasted real. It was FAKE. Its then i realized, that all my life, i was chasing the wrong thing in my life “
I felt fooled, but then realized, it was my responsibility to have chased the wrong thing .
But at least now, i know, what i need to chase.
Man (so very excited and handing over the HOT Milk) “Wow, and what is that”
Greyhound “ Love ”

P.S : If you like this, kindly do claps, which will encourage me to write more. Namaste. Love & Peace.